A syntax-level async join macro supporting branching control flow and synchronous shared mutable borrowing

The macro is called enjoin. It is on GitHub here and on crates.io here.

Existing join implementations#

All the async join implementations out there (including futures', tokio's, nightly stdlib's and futures-concurrency) work on top of the Future abstraction; if you want to join pieces of async code, you pass them in as async blocks, which get converted to Future objects automatically.

The problem is that async blocks are not simply blocks of async code. They behave much more like closures than blocks. Converting regular blocks of async code to async blocks means

  • We lose the ability to jump out with branching control flow (break/continue).

    Example code

    ⚠️ this code does not compile
    loop {
    		async {
    			if should_break().await {
    				// [E0267]: `break` inside of an `async` block
    		async {
    			// ...
  • Error propagation (with ?) becomes more difficult.

    Example code

    ⚠️ this code does not compile
    	async {
    		// [E0277]: the `?` operator can only be used in an async block that returns `Result` or `Option`
    	// ...
  • All our variables' lifetimes get replaced by the opaque, encompassing lifetime of the async block. This same inconvenience frequently comes up when working with closures.

Syntax-level join#

The first step to avoiding async blocks and the associated annoyances is to come up with a new API for concurrency. The enjoin library pretends not to operate on Future objects. The macro instead takes in regular blocks of code, and, as far as the user is concerned, magically run those blocks concurrently.

Of course the actual implementation is not magic. The macro still secretly transforms the blocks into async blocks so they can be polled concurrently. What is special is that the transformation does much more than just adding the word async...

Branching statements#

To make branching statements (break '_, continue '_, ?, return) work from inside async blocks, we replace each of them with a statement to return a special enum variant. The polling code can then match the returned enum and perform the branching.

Shared mutable borrows#

We also let async blocks share mutable borrows as long as they don't cross any await yieldpoint. This is done by parsing through all the blocks to find shared borrows, and putting all those in a RefCell. Each block being joined keeps the RefCell locked for itself during its synchronous execution, unlocking and relocking across yieldpoints. Since joining is concurrent rather than parallel, only one block can be executing synchronously at a time, so the RefCell will not panic (it can almost be an UnsafeCell - more on that in the limitations section below).

Is automatic RefCell-ing horrible design?

Indiscriminate automatic RefCell-ing is definitely horrible, but that isn't what we're doing here. What enjoin is doing is merely working around the issue mentioned above. This workaround is completely internal; enjoin could switch to GhostCell in the future and users won't notice anything (in fact, being compatible with GhostCell is another indication that our use of RefCell is well under control).

From the user's perspective, enjoin's borrowing behavior can be seen as an extremely twisted extension to non-lexical lifetimes: lifetime follows execution, not lexical scope; joinee blocks are executed in lockstep, so the borrow lifetimes follow that.

Since this feature has imperfect implementation (more about that below), it is made optional. Use enjoin::join_auto_borrow! if you want it; use enjoin::join! if you don't.

try_join!, race!, try_race!, and select!#

A nice effect of having branching statements is that enjoin does not need to provide racing or fallible variants; such behaviors are already possible with enjoin::join!. Here's an example use of enjoin for racing futures.

let res = 'race: {
		{ break 'race work_1().await },
		{ break 'race work_2().await }

What would fallible join (try_join) look like?

let res: Result<(_, _), _> = 'join: {
			match do_something().await {
				Ok(r) => r,
				Err(e) => break 'join Err(e),

But remember that enjoin supports the ? operator, so in many cases you could simply use ? inside join and have error propagation without any extra effort.

async fn fetch_and_save() -> Result<(), Error> {
            let data = fetch_data_1().await?;
            let data = fetch_data_2().await?;

With the shared mutable borrowing feature enabled, enjoin becomes yet more powerful, eclipsing even futures::select!. With select!, you attach synchronous code to run after each input future, and optionally break out from there. With join_auto_borrow!, you can chain synchronous and asynchronous code freely in each block, and break out at any time.


The enjoin macro does a bit more than what macros were meant to do, so there are cases where it fails or falls short.

  • If branching statements and/or captured variables are hidden in another macro, enjoin wouldn't be able to transform them. This will usually cause compilation failure.

  • If an await is hidden inside a macro, join_auto_borrow! won't be able to unlock the RefCell for the yieldpoint, leading to a RefCell panic.

  • With only syntactic information, enjoin can only guess whether or not a name is a borrowed variable, and whether or not that borrow is mutable. We have heuristics, but even so the macro may end up RefCell-ing immutable borrows, constants, or function pointers.


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See enjoin on GitHub, crates.io, and docs.rs.